Focus on cooler and fans
CPU Socket | Intel Socket 115X & 2011 Square ILM | ||||||||
Solution | 2U Server and Up ( Active ) | ||||||||
Dimensions | 91.0 x 90.0 x 67.3 mm | ||||||||
TDP | 95W |
型号 (Model) | J1 |
处理器架构 (CPU Socket) | Intel Socket 115X & 2011 Square ILM |
机箱架构 (Solution) | 2U Server and Up ( Active ) |
尺寸 (Dimensions) | 91.0 x 90.0 x 67.3 mm |
功耗 (TDP) | 95W |
材质 (Material) | Cu Base + AL Fin + 6025 Fan |
导热膏 (Thermal Grease) | ShinEtsu X23-7762 Pre-Applied |
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